ADA Tournament Scholarship

Hello and greetings from the Audio Dart Association Inc.  Please read this, as you or someone you know may be eligible for this opportunity. 

Are you an audio darter?  Have you ever wanted to go to a tournament but just couldn’t afford to?  The Audio Dart Association Inc. would like to give someone a chance to do exactly that!  But do you qualify?   Please read below for full details about the scholarship and eligibility requirements.

Who qualifies?

• Someone who is visually impaired and wants to attend an audio dart tournament.

• Someone who has never attended an audio dart tournament outside of their area.

• Someone who is Minnesota based that has never been to an audio dart tournament.

How many scholarships are being offered?

• There is currently only one being offered for the November 2024 tournament, to be held in Minnesota.

How much will the scholarship cover?

• The scholarship will reimburse up to, $600 in airfare, hotel and food expenses.  This does not include the tournament entry fee, that must be paid by the individual.

Additional fine details

• Applications are due May 1, 2024.

• The winner will be announced May 15, 2024.

• Any recipient of this award is required to participate in at least three events.

• The winner will need to pay the tournament fee and have hotel room held by July 10, 2024. If the winner fails to pay their tournament fee and schedule their room by this date, they will forfeit their scholarship and the scholarship will instead be given to the next in line.

• The amount for the scholarship will be paid out only after the Audio Dart Association has received all appropriate receipts pertaining to the above list included in the coverage.

• The winner will be chosen by the Audio Dart Association Inc board.

• The ADA board is not responsible for reimbursements of cancelations of any hotel or airfare.